i love this city.
i don't care that it's "dying" and depressed.
some people complain about western new york weather because it changes more frequently than some people change their underwear. it will be beautiful and sunny one day, freezing, sleeting and horrible the next. that's what i like about it. the complainers, i think they just can't handle change.
my neighborhood isn't all that great. it's mostly college students and poor people. sometimes in my house i think of all the people that have come and gone from here. since this house was built, it's been like a year-long rest stop. people have been cooking and fucking and shitting and living in these little rooms paying too much for rent for decades now. in a few months i'll move out and some new college kids will get my slumlord and continue the semi-annual cycle of moving. no one stays in the heights for long.
i'd like to move downtown. maybe allentown. it's still nice and crappy and homey feeling, but without the frats and drunk freshmen. still drunks though. one would be hard pressed to find a sober neighborhood in the city limits.
there's a great music scene. lots of metal and punk bands come through. jam bands too, although that's really not my scene. and food. when people that move away talk about buffalo, they talk about the food and for good reason.
so, that's my little tourist ad. come live in buffalo. people are pretty nice.
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