Monday, January 17, 2011

cupcake zen

lately, I have found a new love of cooking.  I moved into my first big-girl apartment in May, and have been experimenting in the kitchen ever since.  since I turned 21 in December, I realized that I really, really like to make cupcakes.

i'm not particularly good at baking, and I don't really follow a recipe.  I just make cake batter from a box, frosting from a can, and go from there.  I like picking out their little skirts that I bake them in and finding cute color combinations.  today it was red velvet cake and cream cheese frosting.

maybe one day, I will make them from scratch.  for now, I will just make cupcakes bi-weekly or so and invite my friends over to eat them.

I find myself baking when I am conflicted or stressed out.  Classes start back up tomorrow, which is exciting, but always daunting.  part of me will always worry that "the other kids won't like me," even though I am a college junior and that is a silly thought.  This batch, though, are grief cupcakes.  They are for John, a close family friend that passed away suddenly this week.  Perhaps I will bring some to his daughters.

the process of mixing, scooping, baking, frosting is cathartic in some strange way.

my cupcakes are not picture perfect, but they are tasty.

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