Tuesday, March 15, 2011

fem theory of the day

"Witches did dance in the moors and they hid there too.  The wilderness was for the most destitute women the only place of survival that society allowed them.  The witch, the queen of the forest, is like the domesticated wife who is queen of the home.  Queen of one domain because excluded from all others.  Mystery, night, forest, it all resembles the clandestineness of pariahs and heretics.  The underground where one may indeed fight is nonetheless equivalent to freedom."

Marks and de Courtivron, 1986: 220

Sunday, March 13, 2011


last month i got my monroe, and have also put some color in my life.  i need a new tattoo, that is certain.  i just need to design it first.  oh, and save myself some money.  ha!


also, i found out what happens to cupcakes if you forget the eggs.

they're really crumbly and you have to eat them with a spoon.

i've been painting and working out lately as well.  more of that some other time.